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Why Your Gut Knows Best

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Ever experienced that subtle yet powerful nudge deep within, urging you to trust an instinct or make a decision seemingly beyond reason?

Welcome to the realm of gut feelings, an innate sense that often defies logic yet holds profound wisdom.

That feeling that you know what you “should” do versus what your heart or brain is telling you to do?

Well, that is your gut talking to you. Whether you believe in God, various frequencies/energies, or nothing at all directing your life, everyone has this underlying feeling of what’s “right.”

Personal Experience

When I was with my ex, whom I was with for 4+ years, I always had the underlying feeling that it was not right for me. However, my brain and ultimately my heart kept telling me to stay. There were times I would ask God to give me a sign if I should stay with this man or not, and MAJORITY of the time, we’d end up in a huge argument within 24 hours. Yet of course, my brain tried to talk me out of recognizing the connection there. I also strongly believe in frequencies/energies within the universe and thought I was just being negative, therefore attracting the negativity that resulted in arguments time and time again.

Slowly but surely, I was isolated and completely lost myself in this relationship. Yet, I was given just enough “love-bombing” to stay and feel like we could’ve made it work. I ignored my gut feeling time and time again, only to end in a broken-down mess of a human that I no longer recognized.

It took great reflection, but I began working on me and learning to love myself without relying on anyone else to fill that void I felt. I eventually built up the courage to leave, which wasn’t met with much argument on his end. It became a mutual decision to separate.

That was the most difficult thing I had ever done in my entire life. I had to completely restart my life. Move out of the only house I knew as home and start entirely over.

Yet it wasn’t until I made this decision to finally listen to my gut, that I felt at peace.

My New Life

Although it was such a difficult journey, I completely melted into the new feeling of freedom. I didn’t feel like I should be doing anything different than what I was doing at that exact time in my life.

I felt reassurance in every decision I made without a lingering dread over me.

My life slowly started to fall into place. The rest of that year of 2022 was a rough journey, but it ultimately led me to my absolute dream life that I wouldn’t have gotten without finally giving into that gut feeling.

My Gut Gave me My Dream Life

Going into 2023, I spoke to the world that I was only accepting positive things that year. And positive is exactly what I got.

I started off the year with a Daisy Award at my job as a nurse. My boyfriend at the time and I purchased our very first house together. We found out I was pregnant with what we now know as a baby girl. We got engaged. He got a new job.

Now going into 2024, he will be starting his new job soon, with a baby girl soon to be here, and a wedding planned for June of this year to mark our 2 years together.

The life I dreamed of as a little girl is finally coming true.

Listen to Your Gut!

I could not be more grateful for finally listening to my gut, or God if that’s what you believe in. I kept having that feeling that there was more for me within my love life. My attempts to make good into good-enough were ultimately failing. But there was always that tug that said “if you just listen to me, I have so much more in store for you.”

Let Go of the Good to Accept the Great

There is a biblical image that comes to mind as I write this. It is of a little girl holding on to her small teddy bear and refusing to let go of it. She is face to face with Jesus, who is asking her to trust him as he holds a bigger and better teddy bear behind his back that she cannot see. She must give up something she thinks she loves and trust that there is better out there.

Why You Should Listen to Your Gut

Trusting your gut is more than just a feeling. It’s a connection to your inner compass that often senses things beyond conscious awareness. Our gut reactions are a culmination of experiences, instincts, and deep-seated knowledge that can guide us through life’s complexities.

By listening to your gut, you tap into a source of insight that transcends logic alone. It empowers you to make decisions aligned with your true self, fostering self-trust and authenticity.

Embracing this intuitive wisdom can lead to a more harmonious and purpose-driven existence, where the choices you make resonate with your core values and aspirations.

In a world filled with noise and external influences, your gut serves as a reliable guide, helping you navigate the journey toward a more fulfilling and meaningful life.