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To my 3 week old Adalynn

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Every day, I am on the verge of tears. I look all around me at the messes that have built up and yet to be cleaned. The groceries from 2 days ago that have not been put away yet. The floors that have not been vacuumed or mopped. My sweet baby who is wearing the same outfit as yesterday and it’s already 4pm…

And then I look down at you in my arms. Look into your eyes. Hear your breathing. Your gulping as I feed you from my body.

You are 3 weeks old today. And growing so much already. It’s already gone by quickly and I know time slows for no one.

So I sit here in this moment and soak you in. Every detail of you, your lips suckling, your eyes fighting to stay awake, your chest rising and falling, your little fingers gripping my boob like a burger (yes I had to include that for the memory).

I may not have changed your outfit today, but your diaper is clean. I may not have taken your daily picture yet, but your closet is full of outfits to pick from. I may not have eaten lunch today, but your belly is full.

The dishwasher is running.

The laundry machine is going.

Dinner is slow cooking away.

I have done more than I give myself credit for.

I have far more than I realize.

I have a healthy baby in my arms. In a beautiful house I can call a home. I have groceries in abundance to feed my family.

I have so much around me to be grateful for and it just takes a second to be in the moment and look around to appreciate all that I have.

It takes one look into your little eyes to realize I have the whole world in my arms.

Although I want to give you everything this world can offer, I hope giving you everything I have and everything I am is enough for now my little angel.

Sincerely, Your Mommy
